4 Things To Avoid In Your Pinterest Business Account
Pinterest has become so popular and so helpful for businesses. Over 400 million people use Pinterest monthly. 89% of users are specifically looking for purchase inspiration.
On Pinterest, you can promote your business and boost brand exposure.
Pinterest is constantly changing, right now it wants fresh pins and videos daily.
There are so many ways that Pinterest can help you, as long as you know what Pinterest wants.
Some things DO need to be avoided when attempting to grow your Pinterest business account.
Do not assume that you know the keywords that you need to use in your account. You need to do the research to find the right keywords.
Don’t post inconsistently. You must post regularly-everyday is key. (Tailwind comes in handy for this)
Don’t use only stock images. Puting your face out there allows your viewers to get to know you better
Don’t pin only your content! Of course fresh pins are required to grow your viewers, but you need to research and find aesthetically pleasing pins to repin!
Maintaining Pinterest can be overwhelming, especially to keep up with all the changes and expectations in order to grow your views and in return grow your traffic on your website.
I am a Pinterest strategist and I keep up with all the changes that Pinterest goes through. I spend the time creating pins in Canva and working in Tailwind, I do SEO research, monitor analytics and help business owners to scale their businesses through Pinterest. Reach out to me to chat about how I can help you🤩